Friday, February 13, 2009


Okay, so I am aware of the fact that I haven't posted in quite awhile (as many of you have so kindly reminded me). But, hey, I'm happy that someone is reading this blog. The past three weekends have been jam-packed. My roommates and I split our time between western France, Espagne, et Genève.

Weekend 1: Tours and Bordeaux, France

Tours is a small-ish town located in the heart of the Loire Valley...which conveniently is the location of un beaucoup de chateaux (alot of castles) in France. Castles.
In France. How utterly European. We visited 2 1/2 chateaux. You'll find out why it's only 2 1/2 in a bit. The first chateau is Chenonceau, which was built on a river. Let me tell you, once you've seen the inside of one castle, you really don't need to see another. I would be perfectly fine with never seeing another faded tapestry in my lifetime. The exterior and the grounds are really where it's at. The gardens were even pleasant, with it being the low-season and all. Plus side of visiting during the low-season: minimal tourist invasion. Negative side: crappy gardens...

My favorite of the day was Amboise. It's located on a hill right on the side of the street in town. No tree-lined drive at this castle. Amboise is also where Leonardo da Vinci is buried. It's definitely not as grandiose as you would think it would be. I took a picture of his grave, but it's so boring I can't even bring myself to post it. Since the castle is situated on a hill, it gives one a fantastic roof-top view of town. Jessica had the grand idea for a fun little photo-op. So we all take our turns, and then we look over the side and see the drop to the ground. Probably not the smartest idea, but we did get some pretty awesome pictures from it. Well worth the risk (of falling), I think.

The last 'chateau' is named Clos Luce, where Leondardo da Vinci lived. From some very reliable resources, we were told that Clos Luce was not worth paying the entrance fee, so we skipped out and got coffee instead.
After our chateaux adventures, our 'tour' ended with a vine tasting. In a cave. A cave. Can you believe it? There were just bottles and bottles and bottles of wine. It had to control myself not to sneak a few back with me to Paris. My purse is certainly big enough.
From Tours we took a train to Bordeaux, Paris for a vineyard tour. Our tour guide was supposedly bilingual, but she ended up speaking French and Franglish (with and an emphasis on the ‘Fra’). She would speak for about 5 min. in French and then summarize the English translation in 2 sentences!
The vineyard was fourth-generationally owned and produced 3 types of wine. The actual tour of the vineyard was not so interesting-I kept zoning out. Darn it, I just want some wine!

Little did we know, but Bordeaux had some surprises up its sleeve. After the wine tour, Christine and I walk to our hotel (which was only a few blocks from the train station). No big deal. BUT this walk was totally sketch. We passed about 3 strip clubs (one aptly named Showgirls). So we’re hauling it to the hotel. With each step my shin splints get worse, but I’m just hoping to the wine gods that we reach our street soon. Finally we get arrive, check-in, and the receptionist gives us the menu of a Chinese delivery place. Thank goodness.

Of course all of the channels on the TV are in French, so Christine has a grand idea: let’s buy some wine! Sounds good to me! We find a convenience store right around the corner and order the cashier boy to open the bottles right then and there. NO PROBLEM.

And then comes the most painful 8 minutes of my life: Ordering Chinese food over the phone to a girl who speaks French with a Chinese accent. First off, I can’t understand French over the phone. Second, how am I supposed to understand her?! Several Lost in Translation moments ensue. At one point, she out of frustration handed me off to some guy. He was very confused also.

More pictures here.


  1. hahha ordering Chinese food in french, badass. Dude I love that you're bloggin your trip, Im going to Argentina in the summer, and Im totally copying you with a blog fo shiz

  2. These posts make my day every time! <3
